"Just as I am the connection between the earth and the heavens, I need to strive for balance, which is being grounded as I pursue spiritual realms."
I must always strive to live my life in balance: spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, physically. Without balance, I am like the parable of the person who built their house on sand. It is only a matter of time before the storms of life come. Our house will come crashing down. It appears as if we are shaken by the Universe, yet this is part of the design of our existence. An unbalanced life is not sustainable, and the storms push us towards balance. In a balanced life, God is present so we should embrace the storms as vehicles that bring us to the feet of our Beloved.
Being balanced means living a centered life, where all of our centers are in balance. Balance is an ideal to strive for as, without it, I will spin out of control. Many times the storms of life are of our own creation. The storms are created by this imbalanced state.
For example, if I am stuck in my emotions and go solely by feeling in life but do not consider reality, then I am easily deceived. Others may attempt to manipulate me through my emotions and I would not see it if I was not grounded in reality, that is using my intellect and observing what is happening in physical reality.
I cannot write about a balanced life without discussing the seven centers that comprise one system used to describe consciousness. Balance in these seven centers are outside the scope of this writing, but there is value solely in their awareness. They are survival, sexuality, will power, love, communication, intuition, and transcendence. Each center can be fully opened, fully closed or have different levels of openness.
Without balance, even spiritual pursuits do not amount to much. This is because we will not be able to sustain this life and eventually will be derailed from our spiritual journey. This is why a vital ingredient to cultivating a sustainable spiritual life is striving to maintain our balance or centeredness at all times. We are plants grounded in earth yet need the light of the sun. If a plant is uprooted, it will wither away. If a plant has too little or too much water or sun, its growth or even survival will be affected. Yet, if the basic needs of ourselves are properly provided for, we will grow unbounded towards the heavens. Just as I am the connection between the earth and the heavens, I need to strive for balance, which is being grounded as I pursue spiritual realms.
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