"The truth of the matter is that I alone do not determine my fate yet am a part of a cohesive whole, which is the interconnectedness of all people and the fabric of nature."
I have noticed that, in my daily life, my mind is constantly spinning, trying to plan for this or figure that out. In a literal sense, if I let it, my mind carries the weight of the world. This constant thinking happens on its own. If I allow it to happen, it continues. My point is that I do not have to "try" to map out my life before it happens in my mind, it is a part of past conditioning and is the background noise that clouds my life.
It really all comes down to confusion about the world in which I live. If my assumption is that my life is what I make it and that I, alone, determine my destiny, then it makes sense that I need to be using my intellect to control my life. It does imply a sense of lack of faith but more confusion. This is because I can have faith but can let the fog of confusion in this world seep into my life. The truth of the matter is that I alone do not determine my fate yet am a part of a cohesive whole, which is the interconnectedness of all people and the fabric of nature. I am not separate yet inseparably joined with others and this planet.
Another truth is that the universe is a safe, good place that is nurturing me, caring for me and providing for me. With these truths in hand, I can see that my mind working is just spinning my wheels. What freedom there is in realizing I do not need to be constantly scheming and analyzing as the Universe has this all taken care of.
I surrender to the Universe and relax my mind as it does not need to control me anymore. I have faith that things will work out as they should and my role is to accept life as it presents itself to me. I see how I fit into the grand scheme of things, follow my dreams, and rest in the comfort that I am exactly where I need to be and have everything I need right now.
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