"There are no coincidences in life but divine appointments. They serve to strengthen my faith; they are an outward reminder that deepen and widen my inner life."
As part of a new direction for this blog, I will disclose some recent syncronicities that I have noticed in my life. At the risk of alienating my readers, I have decided to open things up to discuss mystical occurrences on a more personal level. These syncronicities are, after all, part of the fabric of my life and a valuable source of knowledge for me. One of the paradigm shifts for me that I have gone through in the last year is learning to trust my intuition as a source of knowledge. This is quite tricky as intuition and feeling can be intertwined and, often, are difficult to differentiate.
A source of knowledge in the same vein as intuition are syncronicities. These are divine appointments where something happens once or multiple times and you know that it is a message from the Universe. There are no coincidences in life but divine appointments. They serve to strengthen my faith; they are an outward reminder that deepen and widen my inner life.
The interesting thing about my belief in divine appointments is that, since I have increased my faith in them, their prevalence in my life has increased as well. The other day, I was listening to a podcast on the importance of connecting with the land. Later on that night, I was reading some articles online and ran across one where it mentioned Red-Tailed Hawks. It was not the focus of the article, so it stood out to me.
On Facebook later that day, one of my friends posted about seeing the movie "Red Hawks." Then, a few hours later, my random desktop background changer switched to a picture of a Red-Breasted Hawk! That was enough by itself but this morning I finished listening to the podcast I had started and it finished with using an example of someone that can connect to the spirit world through, you guessed it, the spirit of a hawk.
I did some reading and it appears that this spirit is reminding me to keep an aerial or God-perspective view of my situation, among tons of other things.
The other syncronistic event was I ran across the numbers 111 prominently displayed on a receipt this week. Later on, I woke up and saw the numbers on my clock. Since then, I have seen these numbers numerous times and usually when I am thinking about them. The meaning there is that things are manifesting right now and that I need to be clear about my intentions to the Universe.
But, what a wonderful thing to be open to the mind of the Universe and be able to receive knowledge in different ways!
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