Monday, October 31, 2011

God Wants All of Us

"God does not see the good or bad in us but has everlasting Love for each of us."

The ultimate goal of life is union with the Supreme Power of the Universe. This Power wants all parts of us, what we label good and the bad, for these things are all part of being human. It is easy to give the good parts of us to God, our devotion, good works, and service. It is much harder to surrender the things in our life that we are embarrassed about or feel ashamed of. Yet, these very things are the barriers that separate us from God.

God does not see the good or bad in us but has everlasting Love for each of us. She sees these things as simply a part of our nature, and it is us who put labels on our thoughts or actions. The irony of this is our shame and guilt arise from not turning these things over to a Higher Power yet this action is what will free us from these feelings. We are neither good nor bad yet perfect in the sight of God. The sooner that we realize this, the sooner this veil of separation is lifted.

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